Friday, 20 March 2015

Mumford and Sons - After the Storm

A day early again because I'll be otherwise engaged all weekend.

I absolutely adore the lyrics to this song.

Friday, 13 March 2015

The Ends of the Earth - Brian Tyler - Assassin's Creed Black Flag

This one is a day early, seeing as how I am off out adventuring tomorrow and I'm not sure when or even if I'll have much opportunity to post it so rather than being late I am early for once!!

I've been thinking about the ending to my book this week, trying to figure out how to tie up the loose ends it still has, how to bring a certain amount of closure but also leave it at a point where there are still questions people want answered in the coming sequels. This this of music in particular has the kind of feel that I've got in my mind for the final chapters, it has the atmosphere that I want.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Nightwish - The Islander

I've done some writing this week for the first time in forever, so I've been listening to my writing playlist quite a bit. This one made it in there due to the amount of visual images and ideas that it stirs up in my mind whenever I hear it. I've been listening to it a fair bit so it made it to song of the week. :)