Friday, 20 December 2013

Bullseye - Arcade Bandit

This is the last Song of the Week for 2013. Thusly, I have decided that instead of this being my favourite song for this week this is my favourite song of the entire year.

I did have to contemplate this one for a long time and while a few of the songs that have been granted the title of Song of the Week year have been among my all time favourites I've decided that my Song of the Year will go to one that hasn't been on here yet at all.

Arcade Bandit by Bullseye is without a doubt my number one song for this year. I love chiptune, and dubstep has been taking my fancy rather a lot recently, so the two things combined? Love it! I could literally listen to this song on repeat for a whole day and not tire of it. For me, this is my Song of the Year and it reminds me of the struggles that I've had this year and the strength that I've drawn from the music I've listened to to overcome it all.

I hope that next year brings me more new artists and songs that are just as excellent as this one.

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