Monday, 7 December 2015


I've been thinking. I was considering stopping this, and all my other blogs, altogether and deleting them. But then I decided to keep them about. I want to write more on my main one. I MISS writing on my main one. My stories... They can stay up, but it is unlikely to be updated for a long time, if ever. The letters... I'm not sure. I'll keep them up definitely, but I'm not decided about updating it. I don't need to, my one know how I feel about him, though I'm sure he would enjoy me writing more.
And onto the main point. This blog. It is difficult, increasingly so, to find a song every week these past few months. I haven't been listening to music on such a regular basis as I used to.
It shall stay.
But, it shall only be updated whenever a song particularly resonates with me. If it really clicks, then I shall post it. And I shall still be doing a Song of the Year at the very end. Mostly because I have had my song of the year for 2015 decided for a while now.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Buddy Holly -Dearest

I've not really listened to a great deal of music this week so here's one from one of my favourite soundtracks.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Jonathan Morali - Life is Strange

This game just stabs you right in the heart places! It is beautifully tragic, and the soundtrack is lovely too.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Johann Johannson - The Origins of Time

I'll admit, I haven't watched the film yet, but the soundtrack is one of the most beautiful things I have ever listened to.