Monday, 7 December 2015


I've been thinking. I was considering stopping this, and all my other blogs, altogether and deleting them. But then I decided to keep them about. I want to write more on my main one. I MISS writing on my main one. My stories... They can stay up, but it is unlikely to be updated for a long time, if ever. The letters... I'm not sure. I'll keep them up definitely, but I'm not decided about updating it. I don't need to, my one know how I feel about him, though I'm sure he would enjoy me writing more.
And onto the main point. This blog. It is difficult, increasingly so, to find a song every week these past few months. I haven't been listening to music on such a regular basis as I used to.
It shall stay.
But, it shall only be updated whenever a song particularly resonates with me. If it really clicks, then I shall post it. And I shall still be doing a Song of the Year at the very end. Mostly because I have had my song of the year for 2015 decided for a while now.