Saturday, 27 April 2013

The Weepies - I Was Made For Sunny Days

This song has been on my iPod pretty much constantly. I've had a lot to be sad about this week, but I've been keeping a smile on my face with a little help from this song.

The sun is starting to shine, which is partially why I've been listening to this song I think. It's cheerful, sunny, and happy. And it makes me think of a special someone that I hold dear to me right now.

Anyway, enjoy!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Rise Against - Saviour

So I haven't been listening to any one song in particular this week. Mostly it's been varied acoustic songs from new artists I've been checking out.
Plus a friend of mine from high school just released her first album, and from what I've had chance to hear of it so far - it is beautiful. But then, I didn't expect anything less from her.

This song, and this band are among my favourites. And they were the close second for last week, so they can have this week instead.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Alibi - 30 Seconds To Mars

Told you!
Yep, this is my most listened to song this week. Another 30 Seconds To Mars song, from the same album as the last.
It was very nearly another song from a different band, but this one pipped them to the post. Maybe they'll get t next week, who knows?

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Stranger In A Strange Land - 30 Seconds To Mars

I've been listening to this band a lot this week.
They've always been one of my favourite bands, I think they are under appreciated.
I've been listening to this song in particular.
It comes from their best album (in my opinion) and it is one of my top songs from that album.
Chances are there will be another 30 Seconds To Mars song next week.
Probably. Maybe...